Using worklogDate returns different results than workedIssues()

Issue #905 invalid
Nico Gawenda created an issue

For the same issue, a user in Moscow time zone logged work - 31/Mar/16 5:00 AM and another user in Saigon time zone logged work - 01/Apr/16 10:24 PM (days and times as they are shown to me, my time zone is Saigon, too)

If I run: key in workedIssues("2016/03/31", "2016/7/1", "jira-users") It returns that issue.

If I run: worklogDate >= 2016-03-31 AND worklogDate <= 2016-07-01 AND worklogAuthor in membersOf("jira-users") The issue is not returned (note that i even include the same days, not "between").

As worklogDate is MUCH faster, we'd like to use it but unfortunately are not until both have exactly the same logic. I set priority critical, because for time reporting it is critical that it works as expected.

We are using v3.0.5.1

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Lazada,

    worklogDate is JIRA native functionality, and when using it, I have to enlarge range to include dates in all timezones, then convert dates to current user timezone. If you use java or javascript, I can share relevant code with you.

    workedIssues is converting dates, please see also for more information about date conversion.

    Thank you.

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