Please stop making sudden changes!

Issue #909 invalid
Ronald Vallenduuk created an issue

Just exported a time report to Excel, copied and pasted the data into my report template and... it broke. For some reason the time report suddenly includes a Priority column which shifts everything else one column to the right. Also what was Title yesterday is Summary now, Type has become Issue Type, Comment is now Work Description and so on. Can we have a stable version for a while and then an announcement before a new version with various changes is rolled out?

Comments (5)

  1. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    I hope you understand the impact of all these changes on people who are trying to run a business.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ronald,

    Note, I've just removed Work Created column in Excel, it can be added using Group By: Work Created.

    Thank you.

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