Count the days the task was in each status.

Issue #911 resolved
Rebeca Luna created an issue

show in reports or gadgets how many days a task was in each status.

Comments (24)

  1. Rebeca Luna reporter

    And if i could see this inside a gadget in dashboard, it would be the most perfect data of what i need.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great. Yes, you need to add Time Reports gadget to dashboard, edit configuration (click in top right corner) to select Pivot by Status (Elapsed Time) view.

    Note, I'm adding some fixes on the way, if you find anything too, please let me know.

    Thank you.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov


    Note, it includes issues created or status changed during the selected period, and created by or status changed by users in selected group. And shows time elapsed in status from start to end date of selected period.

    Feedback appreciated!

  4. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Hi Andriy, The Gadget is not working anymore and it's still inside trial period with valid license.

    "Your trial is expiring on 19/Jun/16. Buy a license ($5 / month) for this add-on."

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rebeca,

    The issue is resolved by disabling and reenabling the add-on and performing a re-index.

    Issue is caused by JIRA upgrade last night.

    Sorry for troubles but Cloud staff is always like that.

    Thank you.

  6. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Hi Andriy, I'm having the same problem as before about the permissions to the project. Your add-on is not appearing to me when i try to insert it in the group to give it a permission.

    Hope to hear from you soon.


  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rebeca,

    It should not appear there, it was a mistake to expect add-on user to appear in the users list. The root cause last time was that you did not have time logged for the period for the project, thus the report was empty.

    Thank you.

  8. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Yes, sure! But i thought that now would be showing this time by status as we can see in Jira's dashboard, Not by the time logged but by the days each task spend in each status.

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, that's true, but are you sure you're using Pivot by Status (Time Elapsed) view? It should work indeed with no work logged.

  10. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Sorry, i was choosing the another option. Now, that's working ok. Thanks a million! =)

  11. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Is that a possibility to make it shows per day, not hours? If this could be setup, it would be great!

  12. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great! If you have an idea for better name, to let you distinguish them easier, please let me know :)

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Yes. There is Pretty Duration option in add-on configuration, you can access it from report, see Configure link in page header.

  14. Rebeca Luna reporter

    Hi Andriy, Is it possible to configure to be in hour just for this Pivot by Status (Time Elapsed) report? Because for Timesheet, for example, i would prefer to check it in hours, not in days.

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