Issue with Time Reports - Gadget Configuration(Time Tracking) is restoring to default (Timesheet/Pie Chart) after specific interval time

Issue #942 resolved
Yatam, Annapurna created an issue

I have been using this gadget for "Time Tracking" report as my project's requirement is to view the Spent, estimated, remaining and the variance by a specific group. It was working well till last four days but unfortunately it started getting converted to either Timesheet or Pie Chart reporting automatically after sometime or once we logged off and login back. And I am loosing all the updates/ edits done to the gadget. This is happening in both IE and as wells as Chrome browser. It is effecting the project and the client requirement too.Kindly look into the issue ASAP and let me know how to fix that.

This issue is referring to Issue #876 in your issue list. We are in trial version and we would like to continue with this add-on but this issue is blocking us to move forward.

Comments (3)

  1. Yatam, Annapurna reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Can you please give the update or the status on the this issue. We would like to continue with the add-on but this issue is blocking us to move forward. It would be great, if you could let us know the status as early as possible.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov


    Sorry for delay. Looks like gadget configuration, that is stored as JIRA hosted data is lost at some moment. May be you can check what happens with stored data when the settings are reset. Add-on persists gadget settings at /rest/api/2/dashboard/<dashboardId>/items/<dashboardItemId>/properties/gadgetConfig. E.g. /rest/api/2/dashboard/10000/items/10900/properties/gadgetConfig. You may see corresponding request and response using Chrome DevTools Networks Tab. Does response contain expected configuration?


      "key": "gadgetConfig",
      "value": {
        "pivotTableType": "TimeTracking",
        "sumSubTasks": {
          "enabled": false
        "collapseFieldGroups": {
          "enabled": false
        "numOfWeeks": 1

    Thank you.

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