Time Sheet Report. If I leave empty field "User" - report contains worklogs of all users but not "Show entries created by this user. If not specified, uses currently logged in user."

Issue #947 resolved
Alex Kiselev _Itransition_ created an issue

I use jira v7.0.2 and Timesheet Reports and Gadgets Plugin v3.0.3

I build Timesheet report from project and indicate only dates (Start Date and End Date)

as the result I have got report with worklogs of users different from current - seems worklogs of all users worked on project indicated period, but hint near the field User says "(Optional) Show entries created by this user. If not specified, uses currently logged in user." - I understand it the following way - if I leave field User empty I should get report with my worklogs only.

is it a bag or I got messed with options?

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Alex,

    It might be that you messed up with options. Could you please check the title of the report, does it mention Group, Project or Role? Or you can copy paste request url here.

    Thank you.

  2. Alex Kiselev _Itransition_ reporter

    project is selected


    I have tried unselect Project and now I don't see worklogs that belong to the other users except current


    if nothing selected (Project, Group, Role ) and User is empty report displays only current user worklogs

    if some field selected (Project for example) and User is empty report displays all users worklogs

    is it right?

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