Time Reports does not load

Issue #954 resolved
Anirban Das created an issue

Hi, the time reports gadget on our dashboard is failing to load. We have contacted Atlassian Support for this issue, they have said that, at the time that we are experiencing the error, these requests to the vendor are failing.

This is our hosted cloud instance>>> https://cscnextdev.atlassian.net/

PFA, the issue.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Anirban,

    Could you please check add-on version installed in Administration - Add-ons - Manage add-ons?

    Additionally, could you see where from add-on is loaded, e.g. by opening Browser Developer Console, and in Network tab see failing request.

    Thank you.

  2. Anirban Das reporter

    Hi @azhdanov , the gadget seems to be working fine now. Hoping it to function the same.

    Thank you.



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