Tempo Account Custom Field no longer available

Issue #965 resolved
Mats Holmblad created an issue

After Tempo Cloud updated to latest version this night we can no longer access "Account" (Tempo Account Custom Field).

We can no longer use Time Reports or the Timesheets gadget.

These are vital to us to in our work.


Best regards,


Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    I might have misunderstood the problem. Could you please clarify what is the problem/error in the case when your try to access Account Tempo Custom Field?

    Thank you.

  2. Mats Holmblad reporter

    The time reports gadget where we used to see logged time per user, day/week and group by Account (a custom tempo account) we can no longer access newly logged time. This occured after the Tempo Cloud upgrade.

    In the screen dump you can see customfield_12400 where it used to say account. I can no longer choose account as a group by value.

    Same problem with the Time Reports page when trying to generate reports.

    Jira Timesheet error.jpg

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