Work not logged in timesheet

Issue #966 resolved
Antoine created an issue


Since the last update of JIRA, I have a problem with the plugin. When I log work in a task page (screeshots A), the window is different than the window in the report plugin (screeshots B).

The work logged in case A is not in the table instead of the work logged in case B is good.

What is the difference ? Thanks.

Comments (6)

  1. Doug Levitt

    Andriy - I tried Disabling Tempo, but that did not resolve the problem. The data was not available. Any ideas why the Timesheet is unable to access the data?

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, I don't know how to make those worklogs be moved to JIRA db. May be they are moved when Tempo is uninstalled.

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