Time Reports for JIRA Cloud - Resetting Configuration

Issue #969 invalid
Tom Parnell created an issue

Version:1.1.6-AC Vendor:Andriy Zhdanov Support:Supported by vendor Add-on key:timereports License status:Valid License SEN:SEN-9847246

Add-on appears to be resetting its configuration Time display format and Default unit appear to be changing without anyone setting them? Display - Days and Unit - Hours, change back to Display - Pretty and Unit - Minutes

Not sure if this is relevant, but add-on shows as You have unsubscribed from this add-on. The add-on will continue working until the end of your current billing cycle.

Using Subscribe button from Managed Add-ons runs 'updating licences...' but does not change subscription status.

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tom,

    Could you please clarify if settings are reset immediately, when you change them at configuration page and do Refresh of the configuration page? Or later if you come back to the configuration page?

    Could you also check Browser Developer Console, Network tab and filter requests with "properties" query, and see whether it gets configuration loaded successfully?

    I don't think that subscription status could cause this, but may be it's worth of asking Atlassian for help about it.

    Thank you.

  2. Tom Parnell Account Deactivated reporter

    Yes on Jira Admin > Issues > Time Tracking, configuration changes immediately reflect changes made and when I refresh. I have logged a case with Atlassian JST-305512 Admin > Issues > Time Tracking > Default unit for time tracking RESETTING

    On Jira Admin > Issues > Time Tracking When I set "Default unit for time tracking" to Hours it appears to reset to minutes WITHOUT any user intervention. We are using Add-on - Time Reports and Gadgets for JIRA Cloud for timesheets and default timesheet entry mode keeps changing back to minutes.

    I have just now (17 Jul 1:33 PM in Australia) reset to Hours for the 4th time. in 2 weeks.

    Also concerned about in Subscription status in Jira Admin > Add-ons > Managed Add-ons for Time Reports for JIRA Cloud Shows as "You have unsubscribed from this add-on" - WHY?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tom,

    JIRA Admin - Issues - Time Tracking is JIRA native configuraiton, not add-on configuraiton. Please contact Atlassian support for this and better add screenshot of the page you're referring to.

    Thank you.

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