Mobile Timesheet Entry

Issue #977 resolved
Nicholas Tsiroyiannis created an issue

We are going to be using timereports extensively to capture effort spent on complex projects involving consultants, engineers, project managers and trainers. All these resources will be using JIRA but not all of them are desk based or indeed able to get into JIRA frequently due to a heavy travelling schedule. Often times the work is facilitating workshops etc. As such it would be of massive use to have a mobile app (IOS iphone/ipad) to interact with timereports. Same use cases as you have in the dashboard widget (view timesheet, time entry, start/stop the clock, etc).

Would love to be your beta tester :)

Comments (4)

  1. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Hi Nicholas

    We have just deployed version for mobile devices for Timesheet reports and gadges.

    Please be sure you are using timesheet: , not timereports: (timereports can not support it due to its static nature).

    To start testing please go to User Preferences (Gear icon), scroll to very end, press button 'Send'. Open mail from you smartphone, press link provided there. Enjoy.

    It is possible to "Add to home screen" and use it as mobile app.

    Looking forward to hear from you soon with new feature requests, bugs, design issues etc.

    Thank you.

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