Blank Page in Time Reports page

Issue #992 resolved
Vladimir Omelchenko created an issue

Hello Andriy,

We are evaluating your plugin on JIRA instance and it appears that when you go to Issues > Time Reports we only see a blank page. Is this a correct behavior cause as per docs you should just use the reports under each project.

Would be nice if you can advise what is wrong and if its a bug here.

BTW it is a server instance not a cloud so might be some diffs.

Thank you in advance.

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vladimir,

    Could you please Browser Developer Console for javascript errors?

    Note, I assume you have installed Timesheet Reports and Gadgets also, as it is required for Time Reports.

    Thank you.

  2. Vladimir Omelchenko reporter

    Hello Andriy, The Timesheet Reports and Gadgets is also installed.

    I have checked the console and seems like I see one error there:

    I'll attach the screenshot also. Screenshot from 2017-11-03 21-53-50.png

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vladimir,

    Could you please click on the error source link, and then Pretty print minified file (see braces in the bottom of source view), to see the actual source of the error?

    Note, I can't do this, because minified file is generated on the fly, and it seems to be different in my case so that line 460 in my case points to something different.

    Or you can to try send me the minified file and also source map, which you can get by the link like

    Thank you.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vladimir,

    I've finally reproduced the problem, on Jira 7.3.0 in production mode, and it does not look easy to fix so far, sorry.

    Thank you.

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