[TIME-101] Installation on JIRA 4.12

Issue #101 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

Have downloaded 2.0 - extended for Jira 4.1, installed the atlassian-plugin.XML in "installed" directory and it shows up in installed plugins but not sure how and where to install the "gadget.XML" since I can't find the time sheet in my gadget list.
I need a better installation guide.

By ssharefi/Sean last on Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:02:35 -0700

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    You need to copy the whole file (jira-timesheet-plugin-2.0.jar) to jira-home/plugins/installed-plugins then restart JIRA and you should be able to see the plugin in Administration/Plugins. You should be able to add a gadget too.

    Please share your results here.

    By pniewiadomski on Mon, 27 Sep 2010 04:30:40 -0700

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    It partially worked, here is the cut and past from plugin menu:

    IRA TimeSheet Plugin
    Description: Plugin with two reports and gadget for time tracking.
    Vendor: Andriy Zhdanov
    Plugin Version: 2.0
    JIRA Versions: 4.0 - 0.0
    Installation Mode: Managed
    Timesheet Report (report)
    Report displaying a user worked time sheet over a specified period. {installed- no eror}

    JIRA TimeSheet Gadget (timesheet-gadget)
    Error occurred: Cannot find ModuleDescriptor class for plugin of type 'gadget'. Unrecognized module

    JIRA TimeSheet REST Endpoint (timesheet-gadget-rest-resources)
    Provides the REST resource for the timesheet.
    Error occurred: Cannot find ModuleDescriptor class for plugin of type 'rest'. Unrecognized module

    Project Pivot Report (projectpivot)
    Report displaying a time spent by users over a specified period. {installed - no error}

    By ssharefi on Mon, 27 Sep 2010 09:34:08 -0700

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