Can we see the log time of other users in time sheet gadget adding by filters

Issue #1015 resolved
monika agarwal created an issue
  • User create a filter query for his dashboard naming 'Legacy'.
  • Query for legacy -"project = "Endur Live Services -Direct Energy" AND assignee in (msaho1, tjena, akopp1, rvakul) AND status not in (Closed) AND (due <= endOfWeek() OR due is EMPTY) ORDER BY assignee ASC"
  • Now he adds a time sheet gadget on his dashboard and using legacy filter in time sheet gadget settings.(Can check in the attachment 'legacy_filter') legacy_filter.jpg

  • After that he can only see the log time of himself. But he want to see the log time of another users present in the filter.

  • For an example there is one user who log her time in the ELS-206 of 6 hours.(can check in the attachment 'log_time-on-8Nov') log_time-on-8Nov.jpg

  • But in time sheet gadget no time is showing log by arpita.(can check in the attachment 'timecardlog') timecardlog.jpg

Comments (8)

  1. monika agarwal reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Can you please look into this. User wants to add a time sheet gadget using their filter.(Filter query mention in the question summary.) User wants to check the log time of all the users present in the filter and log time of user itself. Right now by applying this filter query, he is only able to see his time log only. What will be the solution.


  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Monika,

    Sorry missed that yesterday. It's necessary to add Group to have other users in timesheet.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

  3. monika agarwal reporter
    • changed status to open

    I want to see the log time of users included in the group and also see the issue where they are logging the time. Results showing in time sheet report that type of results want to generate with time sheet gadget

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Monika,

    Unfortunately it's not possible to get this data in one gadget, you need to have two gadgets, or click Details link to see data broke down by users and with issue details for each user.

    Thank you.

  5. monika agarwal reporter

    Hi Andriy, I apply your suggestion. It gives me log ours of other user. See like- test1.png

    But i want like- see this test2.png

    i need all the information like that where is the user logging his/her time.


  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, just realised there is an option to make it brake down by user and show issues in gadget also. Please try setting Group by Worked User gadget option.

    Also, if you don't need details broken down by user, you may add the following to your Filter: and worklogAuthor in membersOf("your-group"). But it works only since JIRA 6.4.

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