Email from Project Pivot Report shows different date range

Issue #1032 resolved
Flo Gehring created an issue

When using Project Pivot and showing the details, I configured the dates to start from Dec 1st to Dec 23rd. The data it shows seems to be correct.

However, when I click "send now" the date range shown in the email is Nov 26-Dec 16.

This report is pretty important for us and used to work well. We didn't change anything about the system.

We're on 3.0.6

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Email is sent for the period calculated similarly to dashboard item/gadget, on week or month view basis, thus for the period 01/Dec/16 – 23/Dec/16 period was apparently calculated with one week back offset. This is fixed for next udpate by commit#3f8277a. However, it still will be for 03/Dec/16 - 23/Dec/16, i.e. 3 weeks window ending today.

    Note, as workaround I may suggest getting desired view in dashboard gadget, and then click Details, and then Send Now. It should take needed offset and numberOfWeeks parameters from dashboard.

  2. SAP Admins

    This is still an issue in 3.1.7 and the gadget workaround seems to still work. How is this still an issue!?

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