JIRA Unavailable

Issue #1050 duplicate
Andreas Michael created an issue

See here for problem: https://www.evernote.com/l/AouJHSTudx1BRqpSVPSf6FZ-jVFQz3HiZL8

I recently changed project permissions to disallow "any logged in user" from viewing all projects. Maybe it's related to that but I'm not sure. If I tap around, I can get some data for some users, but I can't filter by project, etc.

What is the user that this gadget uses and what permissions does it need to function?

Thanks, Andreas

Comments (6)

  1. Andreas Michael reporter

    @azhdanov Thanks I did - but no luck.

    I have started to use "eazyBI" in the meantime but it's not as good. Would appreciate some help on this - attaching logs and screenshot of logs "error is 500 Internal Server Error".

    Since I saw something about cookies I tried logging out, clearing browser data etc, but no luck...

    Screenshot of logs: https://www.evernote.com/l/AotA8fjWGldJd4rnNynUsCyEwGVh6ZzKVYY

    Log file is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8ZWjjiSBlf-QjIwVTNHX3NxY28/

    Thanks! Andreas

  2. Andreas Michael reporter

    @azhdanov also please note this happens as soon as I open time plugin..

    Also, it doesn't happen for my developers - for them things are as normal.. :/

  3. Andreas Michael reporter

    Also from the other ticket "problem was caused by sharing group with a group that has been deleted. If this is a case for you too, please inform Atlassian, if possible."

    I don't see how to fix this - you mean that there's a group that I should delete or stop sharing with?

    Cheers, Andreas

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andreas,

    So basing on error log it appears the same problem, and yes, you just need to find out which of your favourite filters is shared incorrectly and stop sharing it.

    Thank you.

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