Timesheet crash when containing issues, you cannot log time on

Issue #1054 duplicate
Sune Dogan created an issue

There might already be a fix for this? But i could not find it

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sune,

    Could you please check Javascript Console in Browser Developer tools for errors?

    Also please clarify exact plugin version.

    Thank you.

  2. Sune Dogan Account Deactivated reporter

    2017-02-06 15_29_28-TimeLOG - Hesehus Jira – Google Chrome.png

    Apparently no errors.

    Version (But also occured in earlier version)

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, then could you please clarify scenario? Timesheet is displayed normally, and then you try to log work done on issue WUPTI-1481 and it breaks? Or it can't be displayed normally because issue WUPTI-1481 is in state that you can not log work on it? How exactly it's set?

  4. Sune Dogan Account Deactivated reporter

    Timesheet cannot displayed normally, when it hits an issue where loggin os not allowed, it throws an exception (Sorry for not showing that the first time)

    I should have more issues in my timelog, but the "drawing" stops when it hits one of these issues. However i can log time on the issues, until the WUPTI-1481 issues.


  5. Sune Dogan Account Deactivated reporter

    And yes, WUPTI-1481 is in a state where it is now allowed to log time.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    May be you can provide full exception?

    And please clarify how do you define that it's not allows to log time for the issue?

  7. Sune Dogan Account Deactivated reporter

    I cant see more of the exception than that, and cant copy the text. However, i think the problem is this property


  8. Sune Dogan Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy

    I see that now.

    Thank you very much for the support!



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