Organizations does not show in the Project Pivot Report

Issue #1058 resolved
Michael Green created an issue

When you create a Project Pivot Report and select Organizations in the menu Additional Fields, the column just remains empty, even though the reporter does belong to an organization.

Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michael,

    I've managed finally to setup the environment, and can see Organizations displayed correctly in both Time Sheet and Pivot reports, for single and multiple Organizations selected in an issue.

    Could you please check what do you have in Organizations field for those issues that do not get Organizations displayed in the report?

    As I can see in your screen shot None is displayed for HELP-24, but for other issues there is no value. I get None for all issues, and correct value for the issue with Organizations field set.

    Please clarify plugin version installed also.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Michael,

    I also can see empty Organizations on your screen shot, so it might be that something was wrong that time, but now it's ok. Anyway, glad it works, and feel free to let me know if anything else.

    Thank you.

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