"Unexpected error timeout" for the report "time sheet" with a specific request

Issue #1062 resolved
BADEL, Patricia created an issue

Every month, I extract log work for all users, with 4 additionnal fields. Sometimes, I had to do the request several times before obtaining a result but this week (I tried since monday), it's impossible. Even if I do the request for one day, I have a time out.

It's ok if : - request for a specific user (from february 13th to 19th, Alexis Brehinier - 4 additionnal fields) - resquest without the additionnal field (from february 13th to 19th, all users)

I tried to erase historic navigation, without any change.

my instance is : https://sagefr.atlassian.net

Can you help me ? Thanks in advance, Patricia

Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patricia,

    Could you please check Browser Developer Console for errors?

    And do you know which field exactly causes the problem?

    Thank you.

  2. BADEL, Patricia reporter

    Hi Andriy, the fields : fix version, epic name, octave (custom field), impacted project (custom field). How can i check browser developer console ? thanks

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patricia,

    Would it be possible to check if one of the fields causes the problem?

    Also could you try reducing users by selecting some group(s), instead of All Users.

    I think that problem may be cause some issue/field pair.

    Opening Browser Developer Console depends on browser.

    Thank you.

  4. BADEL, Patricia reporter

    Hi Andriy, I can't reproduce systematically. For exemple, I did the request - for the group EC-users-group : error - for the group EC-users-group and project one by one : ok I can't identifiy which issues are problematic I attach a log, is it possible to read it ? Thanks

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patricia,

    Attached jira.txt does not look like log, but some source code. Have you managed to open Javascript Console and see any errors there?

    Thank you.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    May be you can ask Atlassian Support for assistance, they may access your JIRA and diagnose the problem, and involve me.

  7. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Hi Patricia, Have you been helped by Atlassian or issue is still persists? Thank you.

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patricia,

    I've made a few performance optimisations in issue#1147, so I think it should solve this problem too.

    Please reopen if needed.

    Thank you.

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