Jira Worklogs - Isolate By Worklog Comment

Issue #1069 resolved
ChrisC created an issue


We have a filter that finds specific comments in the work log and when we use this on the Timesheet gadget, it returns the overall issue/all work logs on that issue.

We need there to be an additional option on the gadget (something like "Show Worklogs with Specific Comment") so that we can only return specific work logs, instead of all the work logs on an issue.



Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Chris,

    Sorry it's not possible to filter by worklog comments but you can try Group by: Comment First Word report configuration option.

    Also I may try to add Group by: Worklog Labels option, where labels would be just #hashtags in worklog comment. Would it help?

    Thank you.

  2. ChrisC reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hello Andriy, sorry I missed the earlier comment. The Group By: FirstComment shows us the @OBH (example) that we want but still also returns all the other worklog entries with their respective words. Is there any way you could enhance this to allow a filter based on FirstComment or Worklog Labels?

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Duplicate entries are returned as expected, because you have different worklog comments in the same issue.

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