Incorrect display when editing

Issue #1073 resolved
ChristopheD created an issue

Hi Andriy,

We currently face very annoying issues on the Timesheet gadget (in the dashboard). When we want to edit our timesheets directly from the dashboard, the changes we do aren't displayed correctly. The hours are added to the wrong days, the delete hangs (even if done correctly behind the scene), ...

When you do a refresh, then everything is displayed as wanted.

Cheers, Christophe

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Christophe,

    Is it for JIRA Cloud? Do you change Start Date in the Log Work Dialog or just submit using simple popup?

    Thank you.

  2. ChristopheD reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Yes, it's for JIRA Cloud. I do it via the simple popup in the gadget (after clicking a cell). The delete, I do it via the simple cell too. There after clicking on the trash bin, a pop up from JIRA comes to ask what needs to be done for the remaining time, and there it hangs.

    Hope it helps.

    Cheers, Christophe

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Christophe,

    I've fixed problem with deleting worklogs, but do you still have problem with adding worklogs to the wrong day?

    Thank you.

  4. ChristopheD reporter

    Yes I still do.

    When I add time on one day, wait a bit, then it comes. But if I start to add days at a normal speed, on different tickets, nothing happens, and then it mixes everything.

    Cheers, Christophe

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Christophe,

    I've just tried to fix this too, please let me know if anything is still wrong.

    Thank you.

  6. ChristopheD reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    If I wait for the loader to finish, then everything works correctly, but it is really really slow...

    If I try to do it faster (not waiting the loader to finish, clicking on another cell, entering a new amount of hours), then it still add hours (at least in display) where I don't expect it.

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Christophe,

    Well, I thought that waiting until worklog is added would be enough. Now I've added real fix to avoid conflicts. Note, page has to be reloaded.

    It will still keep waiting, though. Please let me know if you'd prefer 'fire and forget' behavior as it was before.

    And that's strange it's so slow in your JIRA instance. May be you can ask Atlassian support to look at your instance, and check why adding worklog is so slow. Add-on basically executes REST API.

    Thank you.

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