Time Reports does not load in Jira Server

Issue #1079 resolved
Ivan Lopez created an issue


Yesterday, I updated Jira from version 6.4.12 to versión 7.2.7 and the plugin does not load correctly.

I need to restart the instance several times until the plugin loads.

The plugin not generate any error log traces, only, Jira generate an error in the plugin load.

I am using the version

Thank you for the attention.


Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ivan,

    Could you please check there is no old version in JIRA HOME, e.g. using `find $JIRA_HOME -name jira-timesheet-plugin*.jar"

    Also you may uninstall current version and install (latest) again.

    Thank you.

  2. Ivan Lopez reporter

    Ok, I have re installed the plugin and the instance reboots normally.

    Thanks for the attention.

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