In correct Time Reports for Time Spent data for each status

Issue #1104 resolved
venkatreddy sankepally created an issue


When I am trying to generate report as "Pivot by Status", unfortunately it is not showing the correct details for "Time Spent" in each status, it is showing total time in last stopped status only, for all other statuses it showing as 0h only though I had entered time spent details for other statuses as well. Can you please help me out to get the correct time details for each status? It's bit urgent please.

For instance, if the bug current status is "Fixed" then it is showing all the status wise Time Spent details in Fixed status only, other than Fixed, for all other statuses it is showing either 0h or wrong data. If the defect current status in "Testing" then all the statuses related time spent entries are showing in "Testing" status only. Even "Total" time is showing wrongly.

Please find attached screen shot which will provide more details about this issue.

Please let me know the solution for this or let us know if we have any other ADD-ONs for JIRA Cloud which will give correct data for each status wise time spent details.

Please provide me the solution ASAP.

Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    I think you need to enable 'Use work start time' option in add - on configuration page. See Conifigure link on top of the report page.

    Thank you.

  2. venkatreddy sankepally reporter

    I have made required changes in configuration page as per your suggestion but still same problem is there. Please let me know the exact solution. I am seeing 2 options like "Use working time(9 to 5)........" and "Use worklog started time only for pivot......", please let me know which is the exact one you were talking?

  3. venkatreddy sankepally reporter

    I have done changes as per your suggestion i.e I have selected "Use worklog started for pivot..", now it is giving time spent status wise but completely in-correct data. It is just taking the time spent data and showing it randomly on different statuses. I am very sorry to say but it is really irritating to see these in-consistent reports. I have spent lots of time but still couldn't figure out the actual problem.

    I have created 5 defects with same workflow and entered time spent details same for all 5 defects but when I generate report, it showing different status wise report for different defect thouth I have followed same workflow and entered exactly same times for each status. Not sure what else I need to do? If you can help me out to fix this issue it would be very really great


  4. Andriy Zhdanov


    Sorry for delay. There might be misunderstanding. Pivot by Status report displays worked hours for the status, the issue had at the moment when the work has started.

    For example, I think, Sample Defect-1 was in status Open when you logged 1h, then, you moved it to In Progress and logged 3h, then stopped progress and logged 2h, then started progress again and logged 4h, and then then Closed finally.

    This can be verified by looking at the issue History tab. Could you please attach screen shot for the issue History tab, to verify this?

    Thank you.

  5. Dusan Hornik Account Deactivated


    I have same problem. We are trying to see how much time we spend in different stages "progress", "code review", "testing" but the numbers in the report do not correspond with actual logged time in each status.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Let me try to explain related reports again.

    Pivot by Status report displays time worked on issues in each issue status. This report spreads worked hours across statuses issue had starting from work started time. It may be changed not to spread worked hours, but use only work started time, by enabling Use Work Started option in add-on configuration.

    So you have to be sure that each worklog entry has correct Date Started. You can specify it when you log work done. And to avoid splitting hours, enable Use Work Started add-on configuration option.

    Time In Status report instead displays time elapsed in particular issue status (no worklog used in this case). It calculates time passed between status changes, basing solely on issue change history.

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