Get the the WorkLog "timeSpent" details for each issue for a given period

Issue #1123 resolved
Nejjari Noureddine created an issue

I use "TimeSheet" and need to know if there is a way to retrieve the detail of the worklog day by day for a given user and a given period please

Currently, the field "timespent" for each issue Corresponds to the sum of all the workedlog

Thank you for your help

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Nejjari,

    Time Sheet report shows worked hours day by day by default. It breaks down work by users in case of multiple users report, i.e. When group or project or project role is specified in report or dashboard gadget parameters.

    Please add screenshot of what you get, then I may try to help to figure out what's wrong.

    Thank you.

  2. Nejjari Noureddine reporter


    I think I forgot to specify that my request concerne a WebService call ;-(

    I found the solution with the api "/rest/api/2/search", and i got what i was looking for (All worklogdate for given issue)

    So, you can ignore this ticket and thank you for your help

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