Stopped tracking hours

Issue #1124 resolved
Kyle Hunt created an issue

I have been using the free trial of the report for a few days now and it seems great except it stopped showing hours logged as of today.

I installed the free trial on 7/31 and everything worked fine with hours logged through 8/1. I have tried entering hours on a new issue and on existing issues today and nothing will show in the report.

I attempted uninstalling and re-installing the plugin but, not only did that not fix the issue, but my settings from the last time I loaded the report were still there so I don't think it removed settings.

Please help us fix this so we can continue using and purchase the add-on.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Kyle,

    Could you please check license for the add-on is valid? You may check it in Administration - Add-ons - Manage Add-ons.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Kyle,

    I believe the the reason of the problem is that add-on has NO LICENSE.

    You may want to fix it on your side, i.e. make sure you have valid license. Then re-enable add-on to make it reload data from JIRA.

    However, basing on other case, I think that there is something broken in licensing provided by Atlassian so add-on get wrong information, thus can not work properly.

    I will try to figure out the root of the problem and fix it, but until that I would like to recommend you to use Time Reports instead.

    Note, both add-ons are provided by me and have the same price and functionality, but Timesheet Reports and Gadgets is fresh attempt to solve performance issues of stable and solid Time Reports add-on.

    Sorry for inconveniences caused and hope for your understanding.

    Thank you.

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