Just installed Timesheet Reports and Gadgets and getting errors

Issue #1125 resolved
Nicholas Tsiroyiannis created an issue

Hi Andriy, excited to have found your plugin which i want to evaluate and rollout to 150+users.

I tried installing just now and getting errors allover. Can you help please?

timesheet error 1.PNG

timesheet error 2.PNG

Comments (11)

  1. Nicholas Tsiroyiannis reporter

    Awesome, that works. thanks. will eval and let you know. thanks for your rapid response.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    I remember I have seen this problem already, but can't remember the cause yet.

    Is it possible that logging work is disabled?

    Could you please also check Browser Developer Console, Network tab for exact error?

    Thank you.

  3. Nicholas Tsiroyiannis reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I think I found the trigger for the error. The error in the network console is

    {errorMessages: ["Worklog must not be null."],}
    ["Worklog must not be null."]
    {commentLevel: "Group level visibility has been disabled."}

    The steps to reproduce are 1) from the dashboard widget add a new issue that is not already reported on in the given week 2) try to log time against it. note that the work description is automatically defaulted to " jira-timesheet-auditors" 3) error produced

    if I change the " jira-timesheet-auditors" to "All" then the error is not thrown and the work is submitted.

    How is the work comment defaulted, is this expected and can it be changed ?

    I have setup the group and set it up on your config page but my understanding is that this was for viewing and logging time on other's behalf. which in my case i am not doing...

    timesheet error 4.PNG

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Nicholas,

    Cool, so someone has configured default visibility level in add-on configuration. You can change it in Administration - Add-ons - Manage Add-ons, see Configure button for the add-on.

    Thank you.

  5. Nicholas Tsiroyiannis reporter

    super, i removed that and it worked. thanks Andriy. its looking good :) now we need an IOS app for time entry :)

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