The Filter and Project options are not filtering the JIRA tasks in the Time Entry report

Issue #1135 resolved
Gilles Galipeau created an issue

The JIRA task listed are grouped under the History Search and they do not changes whether I use a Filter or Project options or not.

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gilles,

    You're right, it's general, just start typing for what your're looking for.

    Thank you.

  2. Gilles Galipeau reporter


    If this is the case, what is the Filter and Project there for? Just trying to understand.

    I have to say it would be a very good feature to list items in Time Entry based on a Filter.


  3. Gilles Galipeau reporter

    We are currently evaluating this add-on.

    The next step is for the employee for review of this functionality, I can let you know what they think if you are interested.

  4. Gilles Galipeau reporter

    My guy's have tried the Time Entry tool and do not like it and will not use it with or without the Filter.

    Feel free to solve this issue as you want.


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