Report by sprint is dificult

Issue #1140 new
Marcel van den Bos created an issue

Goodmorning, we are in the process of reviewing your product. It seems that to create a report of pivot by user per sprint is not easy. We can manually select the sprint start and enddates to do this now. Or we can add the sprint field to the additional fields but this has some downsides. All sprints that were ever attached to a story are listed here and some closed sprints are displayed like this:

com.atlassian.greenhopper.service.sprint.Sprint@5614a0[id=104,rapidViewId=1,state=CLOSED,name=ARK-ICT RA Sprint 14,goal=Documentupload en vervolgactie bij "niet in proces" Beheer/nazorg,startDate=2017-07-24T09:00:54.147+02:00,endDate=2017-08-11T17:00:00.000+02:00,completeDate=2017-08-15T16:11:20.447+02:00,sequence=105]

But besides of this problem it would be great to just be able to select some sprints as filter options.

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