Time Reports shows "Timesheets" user instead of real user.

Issue #1142 invalid
Marc-André Rivard created an issue

We need to extract data for the accounting departement of the billed hours.

The "Time Reports" shows "Timesheets" user instead of the real user that logged the work.

Try : https://iagaccountingsupportcomptable.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/timereports/timereports-report?project.key=PROJ&project.id=10303#!filterOrProjectId=filter_12800&pivotTableType=IssueWorkedTimeByUser&startDate=2016-12-01&endDate=2017-07-31&moreFields=customfield_11800\ You can see that there are 25,5h logged by Timesheets. If we extract to Excel, the username is addon_is.origo.jira.tempo-plugin instead of the real username.

Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Marc-André,

    Could you please ask Tempo for help? Looks like they do not log work properly back to JIRA.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    The problem is caused by Tempo plugin, and needs to be fixed by Tempo team - JIRA worklog must have correct user name instead of addon_is.origo.jira.tempo-plugin to have it exported correctly.

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