Font size of gadget changed

Issue #1150 wontfix
Vid Kraner created an issue

After updating the gadget to the latest version, font-size css property seems to be changed to 14px.

Even though class .gadget with 14px font-size seems to be strike-trough it is affecting the gadget font-size. When manually changing it in browser to 12px it displays as usual.

I have tested both in Firefox and Chrome.

Comments (12)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    I think it is expected to be 14px in JIRA 7. Are you using JIRA 7 indeed?

    Thank you.

  2. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    thank you for quick reply.

    We are indeed using JIRA 7, but before we updated the plugin to latest version, we had 12px. Also other plugins have 12px font, that's why we thought this is a plugin change.

    Do you think we can change this back somehow?

    BR, Vid

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    That's strange that you have 12px in other gadgets. Is it standard JIRA gadgets or other 3rd parties gadgets?

    I've changed font size a year ago in version, I think.

    Thank you.

  4. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    it is really strange, we are using mostly JIRA built-in gadgets. It is true that your gadget was not updated some time now.

    I am attaching a picture of how it looks: Timesheet bigger fonts.PNG

    Would be great if we could somehow override the css to force it to 12px.

    BR, Vid

  5. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Also I have noticed that Issue 1149 I recently posted is somehow connected to this font size, because cells are higher and Tooltip is harder to reach.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    It's hard for me to say for sure, but on your screen shot Filter Results gadget seems to have 14px font-size.

    As for the other issue, it's more tricky.

  7. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    The point is, that bigger hours text is making the table harder to read. It would be really great to have an option about that.

    Btw, row header (weekdays names) are in 12px, so it is looking strange.

  8. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Ok I understand your point, but can we agree, that the second screenshot table is more readable/clear?

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