(!) Only tickets with Resolution = Done or EMPTY are exported

Issue #1152 resolved
Andreas Michael created an issue

Hi @azhdanov, I find only tickets for Resolution = Done or if resolution is empty when doing CSV export.

I'd really need data export of tickets with ALL resolution types (Won't do, Duplicate, etc).

These are my settings when downloading CSV: https://www.evernote.com/l/AoulLi8WS4BCmrH6N6p9tTeXkbkbld0im8M

This is result in CSV: https://www.evernote.com/l/Aotlg4GtzaJLtLWIUinYJ1chpeIR4pMRvn0

Many thanks in advance! Andreas

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andreas,

    Is it possible that other issues do not have work logged?

    Only work logs are exported, so empty issues are not exported, but they may be shown in your report because of Show Empty Issues option enabled.

    Thank you.

  2. Andreas Michael reporter

    @azhdanov, that option IS enabled - and they are NOT shown.. I would like ALL issues to show, even if they have no time logged against them (for reporting purposes etc)

  3. Andreas Michael reporter

    Also, I noticed now that story points are only exported "sometimes", even though all tickets have story points... Are you experiencing and problems on your side recently?

    Should I make a separate ticket for this Story Point issue?

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, export of empty issues is not possible, as it exports logged work.

    As for story points, this issue is fine, but I may need more details, may be you can collect support data and provide it for diagnosis?

    Enable Track Support Data option in add-on configuration, then reload report and click Download Support Zip button, and send it by email to support - jiratimesheet.com. Note, you may need to change extension to something else to let it pass through. Or attach here or create private request at https://jiratimesheet.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1

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