Timesheets not exporting issues WITH time logged on them

Issue #1159 closed
Andreas Michael created an issue

The following query: https://www.evernote.com/l/AosDEtjVsopB3qSgg5pBaYu6MvL6c9fFINk

Does NOT export work logged on issue LIWM-1 even though it should: https://www.evernote.com/l/AotSAUkL9bVMCICOHSDC9SmUw2MrAUZ90TU

Sending support data to support email directly after creating this ticket.

Many thanks, Andreas

Comments (2)

  1. Andreas Michael reporter

    Hi @azhdanov - I think this was due to the date_started format being different, making my excel formulas fail. Making a separate ticket for that & closing this. Thanks!

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