Time zone removed - date_started format changed AGAIN

Issue #1163 closed
Andreas Michael created an issue

Hi @azhdanov

Did you guys change the date_started format AGAIN?

Used to be like this: 2017-04-06 15:07:00 +03:00

It's now like this:  06/04/2017 15:07

How can I know time zone information now? I do need time zone info since my teams are distributed far and wide.

Thanks & regards, Andreas

P.S. Every time you guys change format of date_started field, I have to change all my reporting tools, creating 2-3 hours of work on my end. And it's not "fun work", it's making Excel formulas work.. Please read this Wikipedia link to see how this type of work makes me feel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sisyphus (-_-)

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andreas,

    Sorry for inconveniences caused, but I should admit I've commented on issue#1131 about the change in time.

    So you may use Preserve Started Time to avoid problem in issue#1131.

    But I don't think timezone info is actually needed. Please elaborate otherwise.

    Thank you.

  2. Andreas Michael reporter

    Ah ok - thanks for that... Didn't see that comment.

    From what I understand, you're doing what I was doing in Excel in the plugin, looks good.

    Thanks! Will close this

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