Time reports returned incorrectly

Issue #1165 invalid
Andreas Michael created an issue

Time reports return time incorrectly. For the same query between two dates, time reported DROPPED by over 100 hours (for the SAME query on the two days).

Query: https://www.evernote.com/l/AouY2g98lipDoqTcgHhScwJFnuBsGCgGOEM

I've sent an email to support with attachments as they contained sensitive information.

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andreas,

    There is no way to know what is changed from one screenshot. I can see strange date selected in period also. Please let me know If you need assistance on using the report.

    Thank you.

  2. Andreas Michael reporter
    • changed status to open

    Look at the screenshot above. The IDENTICAL query was run on two separate days (nothing else changed).

    Do you think time will have dropped over 100h over two days by itself?

    Please investigate what I sent you. Open the CSVs, look at the XLS and try to see what I'm trying to communicate to you.

    I understand it needs some work on your end but probably worth it if the tool is unreliable and I discovered this

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