Sub-tasks are not added into the report

Issue #1182 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, I'm just added add-on and checked the funsctionality. We're closely working with subtasks and I faced with the question to count fileds "log work" and "Original estimate" (also from sub-tasks)). Seems your add-on has this opportunity, but it's not working for know. After adding or excluding subtasks counting I receive no difference in the report. For us it's a critical point. Version: for server edition License SEN: SEN-L10748389 License details: Evaluation, Unlimited-user commercial license, Standard, expires 29/Dec/17

BR Andrey

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andrey,

    Log Work can not be summed up, you might want to try Timespent field intead.

    Please add screenshot if anything else.

    Thank you.

  2. Anton Volkov

    Why log work is not summing up for subtasks but summs up correctly for other issue types? The hint in config says "If specified, Timesheet and Pivot reports will aggregate hours, into parent issue, using specified issue link in addition to sub tasks." but it is not working for subtasks =(

  3. Anton Volkov

    Thank you for quick answer. Sent TIMES-448 to technical support.

    Lower you can find screenshots of widget config, widget view on the dashboard and query config and results.

    WidgetConfig.png WidgetView.png Query.png

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