Store Worklog not enabled message using API

Issue #1187 resolved
Jeff Chu created an issue


Trying to evaluate timesheet for use in our organization. To integrate this as part of our BusOps workflow, I need to make sure the API can extract the data I need. Unfortunately, I get the following message "Store Worklog not enabled" when under the configuration for timesheet this is clearly checked. Not sure what I need to do here? I'm on Jira cloud.

Thanks - Jeff

Comments (16)

  1. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    Hi Jef

    seems you are trying rest api

    Could you please refresh configuration page first (is it possible setting been changed by somebody?) Could you please uncheck, wait for green message, and check again 'Store Worklog' configuration option.

    And try again you rest call.

  2. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    and what about "and check again"? And please wait at least 1 minute for sync until GET.

  3. Jeff Chu reporter

    Yes, I did that and got the “Store Worklog saved successfully” message for both uncheck and check

  4. Jeff Chu reporter

    Yes. Much better. Is there a rest API endpoint that I can get json that captures reporting based on:

    1) categorize by field: porject

    2) Group by: worked user

    For a given start and end date?

    Thanks - Jeff

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, no, rest api and excel export is designed to provide raw worklogs, but it is possible to have any issue field included in the result, by using moreFields query parameter with field id specified as value.

  6. Jeff Chu reporter

    In the meantime, do you have JS code that you could share to help with data aggregation? Didn’t want to start writing from scratch.

    Thanks again for the help. Useful tool.


  7. Oleksandr Velytchenko

    please specify you question. Note in case of end=2017-12-27 you will not get worklog on 2017-12-27T10:10:10

    but you should get worklogs in range 23-26 included and worklogs that you have permission for read.

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