Gadget not working in Conflunce

Issue #1198 resolved
Dave Ebsworth created an issue


I have tried to import this Gadget into Confluence as a Macro, but it does not load.

Steps: I select the Macro in Confluence add my filter and my other data options, see attached. Save the macro / gadget then save the confluence page.

The gadget / macro does not load or work.

I have had it load on occasions, its very intermittent.

Is this something that can be looked at? this is a great Gadget and it would be a great additional to Confluence for reporting to Stakeholders.

All the best, Dave

Comments (4)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Dave,

    Unfortunately, there no much I can do about gadgets in Confluence, because it's mainly Jira - Confluence integration, provided by Atlassian.

    May be you can clarify what is the error in case it does not work? Check Browser Developer Console first, then probably Confluence/Jira log.

    Thank you.

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