Error to generate report type time sheet report

Issue #1208 wontfix
Juan Francisco Sánchez Ramos created an issue


the problem is generate time sheet report and mark sum Subtasks . ( attachment )

In the result is show message error :

com.atlassian.jira.exception.DataAccessException: org.ofbiz.core.entity.GenericDataSourceException: SQL Exception while executing the following:SELECT pkey, issuenum, PROJECT, REPORTER, ASSIGNEE, issuetype, SUMMARY, DESCRIPTION, ENVIRONMENT, PRIORITY, RESOLUTION, issuestatus, CREATED, UPDATED, DUEDATE, RESOLUTIONDATE, VOTES, WATCHES, TIMEORIGINALESTIMATE, TIMEESTIMATE, TIMESPENT, WORKFLOW_ID, SECURITY, FIXFOR, COMPONENT FROM jiraissue WHERE ID=? (Unexpected exception encountered during query.)

where is the problem?.


Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Juan,

    Unfortunately, I can not help much with it. Report is using Jira API to get issue by id, in this case, specifically Issue issue.getParentObject(). As might have seen on error stack trace, SQL is generated by Jira Code, i.e. by DefaultOfBizDelegator.findByPrimaryKey method.

    Please try to contact Atlassian Support for help, highlight that add-on vendor can not determine the cause of error occurring in underlying Jira code, called by using Issue.getParentObject() method.

    Thank you.

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