[TIME-121] Timesheet gadget not shown on Jira's gadgets list

Issue #121 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

I am maintaining one plugin for Jira which was inspired by your code - the timesheet plugin.
The plugin includes basically some custom fields, reports and a portet shown id dashboard.
Since I am doing now upgrade for Jira 4.2 I tried to follow your changes in the code of timesheet version 2.0 to change the my portlet to be a gadget now.
I was especialy pleased that you have kept the velocity templates. I would like to keep them as well for the rendering part. So first I commented out the portet def from atlassian-plugin.xml and created the gadget definition together with the gadget.xml. When starting Jira seems that everithing works fine. All the parts of the plugin are enabled and the gadget part seems to be enabled as well. But when I want to add a gadget to my dashboard the gadget is not present on the list of available plugins. There is no log information, nothing. I was trying many times to check all but I am not able to finf enaything that is wrong. Since you went almost same way to change your code for gadget instead if portlet maybe you have faced similar problems with your plugin, so if you have any clues what can be wrong and where to put extra pations let me please know. BTW Great job with the timesheet changes ! Thanks a lot , Lukas

By barinluk/Lukas Barina on Wed, 24 Nov 2010 04:44:57 -0800

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Lukas, sorry I did not have such problem when gadget is not available in the list, however if you'd like, send me your codes, I'll try to help.
    Frankly speaking it was Pawel Niewiadomski who reworked plugin for gadgets, now it's my turn to helps others, also I've managed to add pivot report gadget myself successfully after all.

    By azhdanov on Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:22:43 -0800

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Andrew, I apriciate your help. Can you please send me an email so I can reply and attach the part of code I would need to change. I don't want to put the email adress of mine directly so before the @ character put "barinluk" and after it the google mail server which is gmail.com
    I cannot send whole code which is against company rules so I will just send a little part which covers the portlet thing.

    Thanks Lukas

    By barinluk on Thu, 25 Nov 2010 23:27:39 -0800

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