Time is not defined

Issue #1210 resolved
Stephen Hayden created an issue

After upgrading Scriptrunner and Kepler Fields to their latest versions today our Dashboard gadgets no longer load. Can you point us in a direction to troubleshoot this? It didn't happen in our UAT environment and upgrading to the latest version (3.2.3) of the plugin as well as uninstall / reinstall does not resolve.

We are in a data center enviromnet, JIRA Software 7.6.n

This is a critical problem as a lot of our management works off of these gadgets.

Comments (4)

  1. Stephen Hayden reporter


    Here is the error in inspector, the listing in the gadgets, and the XML link does have what appears to be valid content.

  2. Stephen Hayden reporter

    Update! It looks like reinstalling fixed this. If this were to happen in the future do you have something we could do to troubleshoot this? Downgrading severity to reflect this is no longer an active problem.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Stephen,

    Sorry for delay, and actually this kind of problems is usually solved by reenabling add-on or restarting Jira, and there is no other way to diagnose or avoid such problems.

    Thank you.

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