Cause of node slowness

Issue #1214 resolved
Stephen Hayden created an issue

Hi, this plugin routinely slows down our instance when used on large sets of data. While I'm sure to some degree that's expected, here's an example that doesn't seem to have warranted a slowdown and it went on for some time before the thread was killed via javamelody because the node was no longer responding properly. Do you share that conclusion based on the attached images? This is a search for a single user's worklogs over a 2 month period in a single project, right?

version 3.2.3 doesn't appear to be in the dropdown.

What can we do to help mitigate against this kind of slowdown? What additional information would you need to make any recommendation(s).


Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Stephen,

    Sorry for delay, and I actually can not suggest anything to diagnose slowdown. It might only help if you reduce dataset. Also, there is version 3.3.0 just released with support for pagination, so that only 100 issues is shown by default, and you can change Page Size in Administration - Add-ons - Timesheet Configuration.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

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