Sorting not working

Issue #1216 resolved
Vid Kraner created an issue


after upgrade to one of recent versions it seems that sorting in gadget is not working anymore. It does not keep the filter sorting nor it takes it from gadget configuration.

Our need is to sort by rank, to see sub-tasks underneath their parent task. This already worked in past. Are we missing any setting?

Our version of plugin is 3.3.4.

Best regards, Vid Kraner

Comments (27)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    This is known problem, and fix is already waiting for release. Sorry for inconveniences.

    Thank you.

  2. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Thank you for your fast answer Andriy!

    I could not find the existing issue, therefore I created it. Good to hear that it is being solved, we can wait.


  3. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter
    • changed status to open

    Sorry, our current version is 3.3.5, but we are still experiencing same issue with ordering by Rank. In the filter ordering by Rank ASC is working fine but then in the gadget, ordering is lost.

    I am attaching the screenshot:

    TimeSheet ordering problem.png

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    I've just double check and sorting is working in gadget for me, including sorting by Rank.

    Though, on your screenshot, it looks like there is some confusion. IT-3 issue is parent issue for IT-9, so sorting must be still working, but IT-3 is displayed as parent issue key for the IT-9.

    Note, You might want to enable Sum SubTasks option in gadget configuration to avoid Sub-Taks being displayed separately.

    Or, I've just realised, gadget could probably take parent issue Rank for sorting, but I'm not sure this would be fine for every one, as someone may sort SubTaks separately, right?

    Thank you.

  5. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    thank you for looking into this.

    Unfortunately I tried turning on suggested option (Sum SubTasks), but it still didn't help. I also played with other options, but could not manage to get it to work.

    I updated to version 3.3.7, experiencing same issue.

    It seems it is always sorting by issue key (KEY-2 always before KEY-4, even if KEY-4 is subtask of KEY-1). How so, that ranking works for you? And how this worked some time ago?

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    Sorry for delay, I seem have finally found a problem. It was not obvious from your screenshot, but you must be using filter in gadget configuration, and there is special code that makes issues be displayed in the filter order. So you just might try to add ORDER BY clause in your filter and it should do the trick.

    Please let me know how it goes.

    Thank you.

  7. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    no problem. I think this is not the case. Because filter already had ORDER BY Rank ASC. In the filter sorting works. But in the gadget it doesn't.

    Here is screenshot of filter results:

    filter results.PNG

    Here is the gadget results:

    gadget result.PNG

    And here are the gadget settings for this result:

    gadget settings 1.PNG

    It doesn't change the result if I also set Sort By Rank in settings. Am I doing something wrong?

    Kind regards!

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    Sorry, I did not notice that logic is applicable in case of In Progress Issues only.

    However, I seem have one new problem and fixed it, could you please try 3.3.9 if it works better?

    Thank you.

  9. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I updated the Add-In, but unfortunately it is not fixed.

    Issues are still ordered by "issue key" and not by actual Rank.

  10. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vid,

    Weird, setting Sort By: Rank in gadget configuration still works for me as expected. Not sure if it's worth of screen sharing meeting, as everything looks really straightforward, but please let me know if you still would like to have a meeting to look at your instance together.

    Thank you.

  11. Andriy Zhdanov

    Though, I seem have found a problem

    Jira itself is doing sorting by rank in some different way than add-on does.

    Screenshot 2019-03-18 at 11.32.19.png

    This is how Issue Navigator does sorting by Rank. Pay attention at Sub-taks DEMO-5 and DEMO-6 and corresponding Rank field value.

    Screenshot 2019-03-18 at 11.39.30.png

    This is how add-on is doing sorting, issue2), and it might be doing literal comparison, and thus issues are sorted differently than you see in Issue Navigator.

    Please let me know your thoughts.

  12. Andriy Zhdanov

    Finally, I've just reworked sorting to sort by Comparable field values, however, even though LexoRank type is Comparable, it's still does not work as in IssueNavigator.

    Sorry, I have no other ideas.

  13. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    sorry for late reply, I was out of office previous week. Thank you for checking the issue in detail.

    I just don't understand, why it previously (some months ago, with previous version) worked correctly. Something had to change in your implementation. Or how could our configuration affect sorting?

    The meeting could maybe clarify some things. If it is possible, I would propose that.

  14. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    No no, we are still at 7.8.0. I would not notice this issue, had user not contacted me. She noticed just because it was not sorted properly anymore.

    Just as side information, gadget Filter result on the other hand is showing the correct rank. How do you think they are solving it there?

    I really don't know why it works properly at your side...

  15. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    I could join, but I could not use audio, because of firewall settings apparently, which I cannot change without our IT.

    Would it be possible if use Webex for conference?

  16. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    thank you again for taking your time.

    Great news! This explains how it is working in Issue Navigator. Awesome!

    Kind regards

  17. Vid Kraner Account Deactivated reporter

    Perfect! Thank you very much for taking your time and fixing this issue!

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