Choose a work label in Jira tasks from reference

Issue #1224 resolved
Anna created an issue

Hi, is it possible to create a reference/master list of work labels and select from there for each new Jira task instead of entering work labels manually?
I have configured work labels in Time Reports, but every task assignee has to type in the corresponding #tag to the work description field, while logging their work (would be nice if there was a field Work Label with a dropdown).

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Anna,

    Sorry for late response. There should be autocomplete dropdown displayed when typing # in Work Description of Log Work dialog provided by the add-on. However it’s not possible to do the same or anything else in Jira native Log Work dialog. You might want to configure Time Reports provided Time Tracking instead in Jira Settings - Issues - Time Tracking, so that Time Reports Log Work dialog is used everywhere instead of Jira native dialog.

    Thank you.

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