[TIME-172] Adding a group by option on user

Issue #172 wontfix
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue


I use this plugin and it's very usefull.
There is one thing i can't do : grouping by user.
I can filter on user but grouping by user is not possible.

The problem doesn't appear when user always log work on their own tasks. But in my case, developers can log work on other dévelopers tasks.

I would like to avoid filter on each developer in order to see on which tasks they logged work. I'd prefer to have a single page with a group by.

Is it possible to add a group by option on the user which log work ?

By pilerou/Pierre Le Roux on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 01:01:38 -0700

Comments (1)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Current group by option is timesheet report is only for issues fields.
    It would be significant work to add this.

    By azhdanov on Thu, 1 Mar 2012 06:52:16 -0800

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