[TIME-190] Jira: Review Hours!

Issue #190 wontfix
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

As I understand it, the Time Sheet Report facility in Jira (Jira à Projects à Reports à Time Sheet Report) helps each individual verify the hours logged in for each project for a specific time frame(weekly/monthly) - (Screenshots below). However, if someone would login few hours in 'Actual Review Hours' of a certain task, those hours wouldn't be pulled along with the total hours in the Time Sheet Report for that user. In effect the Time Sheet Report doesn't provide my Actual Review Hours, instead only my Actual Work Hours total.

Is there a way this facility can be included in Jira to pull Review Hours as well along with the Work Hours in the Time Sheet Report?

By 30053991/Swaroop on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 02:08:53 -0700

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter


    What is 'Actual Review Hours'? I can't find it in google.

    By azhdanov on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 04:09:00 -0700

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Good day Andrew,

    Please see the attached picture. Here Vadivel Gopalakrishnan is the Review and he has logged 2 hours as the Review Hours as you see. But when we take Time Sheet Report for Gopalakrishnan, these 2 hours don't add up in the report. It might be because there is no Review Date associated with the Review hours logged in.


    By 30053991 on Thu, 27 Oct 2011 05:28:04 -0700

  3. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Sorry, it's impossible to see anything on the screen shot, it's very small, however from your description it sounds like you use some plugin to report hours spent for review, and they apparently are not added to jira oficcial work log, so it's the problem of the plugin.
    Note, adding support for the review pluign in timesheet plugin would need a lot of efforts, and is hardly feasible, sorry.
    Thank you.

    By azhdanov on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 03:26:14 -0700

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