[TIME-211] Portlet does not load after short periods of inactivity

Issue #211 invalid
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

After approximately a minute of inactivity refreshing the dashboard causes the porlet to load as blank. Refreshing again immediately causes it to load properly.

When the gadget fails to load an accompanying message is present in the atlassian-jira.log:

2012-01-06 12:26:53,237 http-8080-13 WARN anonymous 746x153913x2 - /rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/timesheet.json auth.trustedapps.filter.TrustedApplicationFilterAuthenticator Failed to login trusted application: jira:10281225 due to: com.atlassian.security.auth.trustedapps.CertificateTooOldException: Certificate too old. Application: jira:10281225 Certificate Created: Fri Jan 06 12:26:48 MST 2012 Timeout: 1000

This is with plugin version 2.25 on jira v4.4.4#664- r167664)

Thanks =)

By herren/Daniel Herren on Fri, 6 Jan 2012 13:16:58 -0800

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