[TIME-276] Jira Timesheet Gadget name displaying incorrectly

Issue #276 duplicate
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue


We have an issue with the Jira Timesheet Gadget name displaying incorrectly after adding to the Jira dashboard using "https". However, in "http" it works fine.

  • Jira version 4.2.2
  • JIRA TimeSheet Plugin version 2.0

The plugin is installed under "{JIRA-HOME}/plugins/installed-plugins/" as mentioned in the below link.


Can you please assist us in resolving the issue?

Rahul Savaikar

By rahul.savaikar/Rahul Savaikar on Mon, 20 Aug 2012 09:03:40 -0700

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Rahul,

    Sorry for delay, this must have been fixed by issue #248 "[TIME-248] Group Timesheet with CAS Authentication" on 2012-04-15, could you please reinstall plugin (if you've installed before that), and let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

    By azhdanov on Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:54:36 -0700

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