[TIME-283] User Filter is not applied on the timesheet report

Issue #283 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

When the user is generating a timesheet report the filter user is not applied. The user starts to type in the user in the field an receives suggestions for possible matches but receives a report for all users.

2012-09-12 15:06:57,497 http-8080-7 WARN extcvbe 906x153596x1 amue9g **.*.*.** /secure/ConfigureReport.jspa velocity Warning! The iterative is an Iterator in the #foreach() loop at 0,0 in template templates/timesheetreport/timesheet-report-project-totals.vm. Because it's not resetable, if used in more than once, this may lead to unexpected results.
***= ipadress

url: http://svn-bru-151.admbnet.be:8080/secure/ConfigureReport!default.jspa?selectedProjectId=11051&reportKey=jira-timesheet-plugin:report
username: extcvbe

By tim.v/Tim Veranneman on Thu, 13 Sep 2012 23:13:05 -0700

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    It looks strange, that url you've specified does not have targetUser parameter, and others. Could you please try to restart JIRA, it helped in one similar case.

    By azhdanov on Fri, 19 Oct 2012 13:38:11 -0700

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    We had a performance problem a few weeks back with jira. Afther the performance problems were solved jira has been restarted several times. So I don't think that will help us.

    By tim.v on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 01:19:10 -0700

  3. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    I've managed to see this behavior, if I specify invalid username, it's not validated, just ignored. Is it possible that JIRA has external users, or anything like this?

  4. Dusan Hornik Account Deactivated

    I have same problem on OnDemand instance of JIRA. Selected user is ignored. Jira is linked to google domain.

    Same exception in logs.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Could you please try 2.3.13? I think fix for mixed case usernames could help in the case. Let me know if it helps actually.

    Thank you.

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