[TIME-288] When you are on a reporting day, the Group Time Sheet Gadget does not show any time for today

Issue #288 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

Basically, at the start day of any reporting period, the current day, which is the starting day, is not displayed. In the attachment, the gadget is set to 3 weeks, with a reporting day of Friday. Today is October 5th, and it is not displayed.

Is this on purpose?

By mikebullhorn/Mike Chmielewski on Fri, 5 Oct 2012 08:52:40 -0700

Comments (1)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    Hi Mike,

    Yes this is on purpose, if reporting day is set to some day other than 'Today'. We used this for auditing records on this day (Friday), and wanted to see all days before this.

    By azhdanov on Sun, 7 Oct 2012 15:18:37 -0700

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