Timesheet Column is shifted right

Issue #330 resolved
Former user created an issue

So I was playing around with the Timesheet plugin today and had some weird behavior. If you look at the screenshot the colored column is shifted right from its appropriate place but only for random users....if I edit the timesheet and save the people it shifts the column for changes.

Any idea why this is?

Thanks! Tudor

Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tudor,

    Well, it's really strange, can't see any pattern, and reproduce it. Few questions though:

    1) Is the problem persistent for specific user(s)? Over weeks, using slider. Using single user view. Reloading.

    2) What is your JIRA version exactly?

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    1) The problem is definitely only for some users, but most of them. For my computer it looks fine and behaves fine, no issues. However, I have checked with 4 other people and they are experiencing this problem. If they change weeks or edit the report the person and date that is sliding to the right actually changes so its not like its only happening for one set user. I have no clue what to think.

    2) Out JIRA version is v5.2.4.1 and it is installed On-Premise.

    Thanks for helping out with this, and please let me know if I can give any more information.


  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tudor,

    Could you please clarify, as it's again confusing similarly as in problem description, what changes when you change week or edit the person or date? Does it shift right in other place?

    What if you switch between month/week view? Does it shift on the same place all the time you're on the same view?

    It's especially strange that it shifts for a user with no work.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    So what is happening...we have added a timesheet report to a dashboard in JIRA set the settings fields like this:

    Number of Weeks: 2 Reporting Day: Wednesday Show Entries..: blank Role: blank Show Details: Yes Sum SubTasks: No Group By: blank Users in group...: team-1 Filter: blank

    Now once I save these settings the timesheet report looks like it did in my original screenshot. If I move the weeks or months forward or backward, it still has the row shifted and in the same place. Moving the column does not change which row is shifted over.

    This timesheet has about 10 users on it. The only way I can change which row is shifted right is by going to Edit the report and then saving it. After saving the row or rows that shift right will change from the ones that were originally shifted. Users with no time recorded or with time recorded are affected by the shift. So if a user has not recorded any time, his row can still be shifted and if a user does have time recorded, his rows can be shifted as well. Its really random and the row shifted only changes when you Edit the report and save the changes.

    This is happening for a lot of users but not for me. Like you I cannot replicate it on my machine so I have no idea what it could be. Do you think it could be the monitor or video cards they have? I'm not sure why it looks fine for me but not for everyone else.

    I hope this description is a bit more clear, please let me know if not. Tudor

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Tudor,

    Sorry I don't have clear idea about the problem, but I've just published 2.3.13 with some attempts to prevent such problems. Could you please give it a try and let me know if it helps?

    Thank you.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    I just updated the timesheet plugin and will test it later on today to see if we are still getting the shifted columns.

    Question for you though: Right now in the timesheet report we are getting a message "There are no time tracking records for the period." why is this? I have entered time yesterday and it should show up but instead I am just getting this message.

    EDIT: I'm not sure if what I mentioned above is a bug or not but right now the group timesheet report is acting a little strange. It is showing rows with no time entered for certain users, however, when I look at the detailed view of that user, his time is entered. Screenshot 1 shows the timesheet report and how certain rows are blank and screenshot 2 shows the details for one of the users whose rows are blank. Let me know what you think, am I doing something wrong? Again this seems to only be happening on the group timesheet where I am using the group 'jira-users' and this is happening after I updated the timesheet plugin this morning.




  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    I think I know what's the problem. I've tried to fix support for mixed case user names, and thought that JIRA internally uses only lower case names, but looks like it is wrong. Could you please confirm if those users names that have empty rows are mixed case, or may be have some non alpha numeric characters? You can see usernmae as targetUser request parameter of detailed report. However this is strange that it shows worked time in detailed view :-/

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well nothing strange, it uses different logic there. So I've fixed it hopefully, please reinstall 2.3.13 (build m76), and sorry for troubles.

    Thank you.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    You're right! The users who have no time showing up do have Uppercase letters in their username and some have '.' as well as in first.lastname. I am actually pulling all the user accounts from our Active Directory so I have no access to change the naming convention for them. I will try reinstalling today and let you know how it goes. Thanks again.

    EDIT: It is now showing time for everyone again. I will test later to see if the column is shifted over for the same users and will let you know.

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