Errors in JIRA Timesheet Gadgets

Issue #343 wontfix
Former user created an issue


The Timesheet gadgets for JIRA Dashboards seem to be acting up - they give a 404 error (see screenshot) for all users. The workaround for now is to disable and re-enable the plugin in the UPM, and then re-add the gadgets to dashboards. Could you look into this? Thanks in advance!


Comments (23)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Dobroslava,

    Unfortunately there is nothing I can do about it, this is some problems in JIRA plugin system. It happens sometimes with plugin update. Nothing has been changed in plugin in this concern, i.e. gadgets declarations and interfaces were not changed.

    Thank you.

  2. RuThaNiel van den Naar

    Do you have logs, what is within? What is inside logs, it seems pretty clear, adress dont exist.. So there is some function problem (service dont answer), performance problem (service dont answer in timelimit) or security problem (some port is closed), or network problem (infrastructure).

  3. RuThaNiel van den Naar

    If is problem in plugin, why isnt after certain number of fail attemps, autorestarted and why problem persint and must delete and create all these elements?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for the update Andriy, we'll open a ticket in Atlassian's Jira then and investigate. Hope you can help out if our team has any questions (:

  5. Maarten Cautreels

    A collegue just told me in our case it was because we were using a plugin named: "Deprecated Group Timesheet" plugin. Explains why it isn't working anymore.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Andriy, if the Group Timesheet is deprecated, could you advice on a gadget that could be used instead of it?

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sure, sorry not to clarify this earlier. Group timesheet gadget was deprecated for half a year, it is necessary to use Timesheet gadget instead, and specify group in its configuration. Note, you can specify role or project also to make it behave similarly to Group timesheet, i.e. display users in stead of issues.

    On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:20 PM, Dobroslawa Wierzbicka <

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, JRA-32365 refer to group-timesheet-gadget/group-timesheet-gadget.xm and old-timesheet-gadget/gadget.xml, which were really removed some time ago, and should have not been used by half a year, but in this bug, you had only old-timesheet-gadget/gadget.xml, and others were valid and should be still available. So, in JRA-32365 description is "wrong" and it does not have any reason to investigate. I've a comment there too. Thank you.

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy, it's me again... Not sure if this should be a separate issue or not. Apparently, although the Timesheet gadget itself is displayed correctly, it returns a 404 error when I click a username in it:

    Could you please check on that?

  10. Adrijus Jakulevičius

    Hi, Also it is error - time sheet shows all users, even they do not depent to usergroup. Averything was ok in previous version.

  11. Adrijus Jakulevičius

    Hi, We are using this gadget and it work fine already, but something was change in last version. We are configured: Show summary for users in group: - we added user group Show summary for project or filter: - we added a project name The result - gadget shows more users. These users are not in a user group, but has access into this project. As example systemadministrator has acces, but don't belong to this user group.

  12. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Adrijus,

    Problem is clear, but I can not reproduce it, and can't get how it can happen.

    Please make sure user really does not belong to specified group. Usually systemadministrator belongs to other user groups.

    Since version 2.3.15, when project is specified, timesheet gadget displays worked hours for all project users, based on project roles beside Users. However, if also group specified, project users are filtered with it.

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Adrijus, that's very confusing:

    1) In last picture, gadget title must be 'Summary for group test and project TEST', i.e. looks like it ignores project selection.

    2) Then it displays all users instead, as if it ignores group selection.

    I can't get how it is possible :(

    Thank you.

  14. Adrijus Jakulevičius

    Hi, My email is ...... Please write me your emeil, I will give you access to our Jira.

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